Monday, April 19, 2010


I walked into a grungy and damp classroom, soon to discover I was the only freshman and the only one without a clue.

Pretty typical of my first few weeks of college.

It was mid-way through my first semester that I found myself in a Campbell Times meeting. I was ready to conquer the world with witty banter and Pulitzer photography.


I gleaned the first issue of the paper at the meeting. That summer was so hot that I wasn't the only thing sweating profusely -- my desk was perspiring into the newspaper's low grade paper. 

Through smudged words and spotty photos I knew I had found my niche. I found a venue to test my writing, to learn the craft... to screw up enough times that a byline was extremely humbling.

My time on the school newspaper has in many ways defined my career at Campbell. In the news room I encountered some of the most landmark personalities of the last four years of  my life. 

I grew up in the Communication Studies Department and the Campbell Times was my playground. I made friends, tested my skills, skinned my knees, swung the highest on the swings, and gossiped a lot with other girls.

I won't go in to all the ways a student paper is vital to a university, especially a private one. I will, however, tell you what a trial, tribulation, pain in the butt, and how totally awesome it is to be a part of the few pieces of paper that frames student culture and represents thousands of people.

The school paper taught me thousands of lessons, most of which I won't realize for years to come. 

Tonight's Campbell Times banquet marked the end of my time with the paper. In a month my name will be in the archives. No more bylines, no more copy editing, no more drama  with the administration. 

Cue the cheesy closing line....

All good things must come to an end.